1·Then they allowed multiple populations of the inbred strains to pass through 15 generations with no interference from the researchers.
2·The result indicated that the genetic construction of congenic inbred strains was similar with the parents through more than the 20th generation back cross mating except for destination gene.
3·Methods:DNA fingerprinting was used to analyze 8 nation_wide known colonies of 6 inbred rat strains and compared with biochemical marker analysis.
4·For utilization of the mouse embryonic stem (es) cells for various purposes, it is desirable that the cell lines are established from various sources such as inbred and outbred mouse strains.
5·Alteration of the homeostatic balance of infected intestine results in acute ileitis in certain strains of inbred mice.
6·There is a little difference between the same inbred rat strains in different areas.
7·Objective: To investigate the effect of different donor-recipient combinations of inbred mouse strains on cardiac allograft survival time.